Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Frugal Additions

I wanted a set of saddlebags for my Shadow. I had a set on my Rebel but this time I didn't want to spend upwards of $200 on the bags and supports. What to do? Craigslist! I spent some time searching and finally found a pair listed for $75. I offered the seller $50 and he accepted. As an added bonus he included a set of supports for free. The trouble was that the supports were off a V-Star and wouldn't fit on my Shadow. So I used a very large box wrench as a pry bar and BENT them into shape. Then I just had to get some longer bolts and for a total investment of about $60 I now have saddlebags on my Shadow. Here's a new picture of it in front of Red Mountain.

Friday, September 21, 2012


I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. LOL!!