Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Limber Pine Trail

Today we did our first hike in the area. At the summit of Logan Canyon is the Limber Pine Trail. It's a 1.3 mile loop that is described as gaining only 80' of elevation. It seemed like a lot more but the 7800' altitude may have made it seem like more. This hike is along a good, mainly flat surface that today was a little slippery due to the recent rain. We were a bit surprised to see snow across the trail at a couple of places. There wasn't much and it was easy to get around. The Limber Pine in the trail's name is a large limber pine that was originally thought to be the largest living limber pine tree. Scientists have since discovered that this giant is actually 5 separate trees that have grown together and are actually 560 years old. This was a good hike that we'll do again partly because it's a fairly short drive from our campsite.

Snow across the Limber Pine Trail.

1 comment:

  1. Did you guys ever hike in Hawaii? Melissa was telling they apparently have some of the most awesome nature hikes there..on Kauai or Maui....can't remember which.
