Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Today's Hike

Today we hiked a very crowded Silly Mountain. School must be out because there were a lot of children hiking. And lots of snowbirds too. Today we hiked a couple of trails that we hadn't been on before, the Jackrabbit Trail and the Coyote Loop Trail. We also took the short side trail to the top of Old Baldy, the hill on the southeast side of Silly Mountain. It's fun to hike on new trails!

Karen coming up the trail to the top of Old Blady.

Ross on the top of Old Baldy.

Ross in the cholla forest - lot's of sharp, pointy things!


  1. Ok, I give, you either are wearing a life vest, with no water in sight, or perhaps a newfangled built in air bag system in case you fall down?

  2. Just a fleece vest for warmth. Yes, it does get cold here in the desert. And since I've lost so much weight my tolerance for cold is pretty much nonexistent.
