Today we tried a new hike I found on, the Little Chance Canyon Loop. It left from a trailhead just north of the Lost Dutchman State Park. The directions were good and we didn't have any problem following the trail. We didn't see any other hikers but we did see a fair number of horseback riders. All was going well until we got to the part where we had to descend into a wash down what the directions called "a fairly steep ramp." That's an understatement! It was VERY steep and full of loose gravel. We went down a way and couldn't see how to get down further without risking life and limb. Discretion being the better part of valor we decided to turn around and go back. The climb up the short way we had come down was a bit nerve wracking but we made it OK. We had lunch sitting on some rocks enjoying the scenery. We then continued along the trail back to a junction point and continued on in a wash until we reached Willow Springs. There was some standing water and a bunch of cattails.

Karen taking care of a rock in her hiking boot.
Overlooking the deep wash.
Right before the "fairly steep ramp."
Taking a break on the rocks.
Karen at Willow Springs.
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