Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hiking Trail Bees

On Saturday we hiked the Cat Peaks / Cat Peaks Pass Trail at Usery Park. Near the end of the hike we heard a lot of buzzing. There were hundreds of bees flying around near the ground! It looked like several of them were fighting on the ground. We've never seen anything quite like it. Check out this video:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Keeping Cool In Arizona

If you live in Arizona, this is probably a "so what?" kind of posting. But for those of us originally from colder parts of the country this is interesting. Many places in Arizona use misters to help keep people cool(er). From what I've read the water mist can lower the air temperature by as much as 30 degrees! And since the humidity around here is usually about 3% or 4%, you don't have to worry about getting people wet. We've seen misters at outdoor malls, movie theater waiting lines and over patios here at Sun Life. One more for the "I had no idea" list.

Misters at the Santan outdoor mall in Gilbert, AZ.