Friday, June 20, 2008

First Weeks In Maine

Today we completed out first 3 weeks in Maine this summer. As with last year the weather hasn't been all that great. We've managed to get in several hikes and bike rides in between the rain and have seen several movies during the less than ideal weather. We celebrated Karen's birthday with the traditional (for us) blueberry pancakes at Jordans for breakfast and lobster at Beals for dinner. They were on 2 different days because the morning of her birthday we were in the West Marine delivery van! Ross has taken on the extra duty of driving the van once a week. Since we both like riding around it's fun for us to actually get paid to do it. Ross gets paid but Karen gets to ride for free.

Karen eating blueberry pancakes at Jordans the day after her birthday. They're big pancakes, but not quite as big as the picture suggests!

Karen on the first day of summer in Maine. Notice the new (and very cool!) slippers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Here's a sign we saw today here in Maine. You probably wouldn't see this sign in Mesa, AZ! (Hint - it's the bottom of the 2 signs)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back In Maine!

After a long drive from Mesa, and a fairly short layover in Detroit, we're back in Maine for the summer. So far the weather this spring has been quite a bit better than last spring. In the week and a half we've been here so far we've hiked 4 times and biked the carriage roads twice. As in years past we're working part time at the West Marine here in Southwest Harbor.

Here's a video from one of our hikes taken from near the top of Gorham Mt.: