Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Tablet: To iPad Or Not To iPad

After several months of debating whether to get a tablet, and which tablet to get, we bought one yesterday. Before revealing which tablet we bought I thought I'd go through some of the thinking and reasoning that went into our decison.

When idea of getting a tablet came up it was because of the iPad 2. After resisting the siren call of the original iPad the iPad 2 just too tempting. We went to the Apple Store several times too seae the iPad 2 and play with it. Just too cool! But after using it in the store and thinking (a lot!) about it I started having reservations. Besides the cost ($499 for the 16GB wifi only model) my biggest hesitation is that the iPad is basically a big iPhone without the phone! Did I really want to spend that much money simply for a bigger screen? Well, yes, I did but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

After looking at the iPad 2 at Best Buy (my iPad 2 lust knew no geographic limitations!) I took a look at some of the other tablets that were out there. Most of the offerings were running the Android operating system. The exceptions were the Black Berry tablet and the HP Touchpad. The HP Touchpad was discontinued very shortly after it came out (but it seems to be back on the market - maybe.) The Black Berry didn't have a 10" screen so I didn't really consider it either. That left the Android offerings.

The more I thought about Android the better decision it seemed to be. I know the Apple App Store has a lot more software available but I can get most of those apps on my iPhone. Android's very configurable user interface and widgets were very appealing. Another big selling point was Flash. Apple's iOS does not support Flash while Android does. It makes a difference! Many times I've tried viewing web content on my iPhone only to see a blank box and an error message saying I need Flash. So it boiled down to cost and features. DUH!

Yesterday I finally decided to pull the trigger and buy a tablet. I considered the Motorola  Xoom and the Samsung Galaxy but ended up buying the new Toshiba Thrive. Features that matter to me were very simular on all tablets. What sold me was the price. The Thrive was $100 less than the other 2. There seems to be a bit of a price war brewing in the tablet market.

So far I'm very happy with the Thrive! Android Honeycomb 3.1 is very stable. And the Google integration (I use gmail, docs and other Google products) is wonderful!


  1. You're not helping boost my Apple stock though! (all 29 shares of it)

    Pete... iPad, iPhone, Mac Mini, multiple iPod owner.

  2. So HP announced they are offering to employees (and retirees) the TouchPad for $99, first come, first serve the 28th. I think I might join in on that fray. They're going on eBay for twice that. Or I can be a two tablet owner.
    Of course that assumes that HP doesn't self destruct before then.

  3. That's what they were selling for right after they cancelled them. But the ones already "in the wild" were all bought up pronto. I'd buy one for $99. Might be a collector's item one day!
